On Thursday we had the opportunity to go to the Market. The family I am with bought Miss M an Ethiopian gift for every birthday until she turns 18 years old. They want their daughter to always remember her culture and heritage. We all had lots of fun bargaining and looking at how rich the Ethiopian culture is. She spent hours looking through traditional dresses and picking out dresses for Miss M and her siblings.
After we went shopping we went to the baby home for a "Thank You" party. We wanted to celebrate and thank all of the important people in Miss M's life, such as her caregivers, nurse and friends. The children had lots of fun! We had pizza, cake, sodas, candy and gifts! The children were so full of joy, they knew that this would be the last time they would see Miss M and shared that they were happy to know that Miss M would have a forever family.
In the middle of our party the electricity went out. This was by far the most fun part of the party. All the children had fun playing in the dark. It was amazing to see how resilient the children were; even though they could not see, they kept having fun and laughing. The children are so well mannered. They all wait to be served and they love sharing their gifts.
As we left the children sang songs such as "Joy to the World." It was a perfect song for the joy we were all feeling. God has given Miss M a forever family and we have the assurance that God also has forever families for the other children.
On Friday morning we met Miss M's extended family. It was a special time for everyone! And on Friday evening we got to go to a traditional Ethiopian restaruant. There were traditional dances and songs of each of the tribes in Ethiopia. It was fun when Tegist would point out the children's tribes and each tribes' characteristics. It is a "must go" when families come to Ethiopia, just make sure to bring your camcorder. And the food was great! They serve the food very traditionally on an "injiria" table, (i don't know if it really has a name). The family I'm with enjoyed watching Miss M's tribe dance and seeing the tribe's traditional dress.
On Saturday, our staff took us out to Bantu. What a cultural experience! The tribe that is from this area is the same tribe where Miss M is from, so Miss M's family wanted to see how how these people lived. They still live in round mud huts. Some of the people let us go into their homes... it amazed me to see how people still live in these conditions. We had a flat tire so as our driver fixed our tire, we went walking over to the school that Buckner is building for 200+ children. It was an adventure walking over to the school. We had to walk through lots and lots of mud, we were full of mud! It was so much fun, all these children from the area started coming out and helping us navigate through all the mud. These children were precious, they were so willing to help us.
Finally we made it to the school and saw where some of these children are going to go to school. I was so blessed to know that God is working through Buckner to provide these children with the wonderful opportunity to go to school. I can't wait for Miss M to hear all about her family's experience in Ethiopia and how they were a part of helping other children.
On Sunday, we went to church where the Buckner Bright Hope Director is the pastor. Wow, what passionate people! They have so little yet they praise God with so much joy and passion. It reminded me of the joy I should have for all that God has blessed me with.
Monday the family and I had many last minute errands and interesting appointments to complete. It was hard for Tegist to know that this would be the last day she would see Miss M (at least for now).
Tegist and I finished that day thanking God because he allowed us to be a part of this beautiful miracle, A FOREVER FAMILY FOR MISS M. We prayed that we would continue seeing this miracle for all of the children that God placed in our care and especially for the older children who quietly watched and prayed that they too would have a forever family.
Today, Tuesday, was so exciting! I got to go back to the baby home and see our precious children! They waited eagerly at the door and all called my name out as I arrived. I cannot describe in words how special these children are. I can only say that they have changed my world around. They asked if Miss M had left already and they sighed, but quickly shared a smile of joy for her. The children like to watch Christian music videos and they like to imitate the singers and sing to the Lord. I wish everyone could see how passionately they sing to the Lord.
Each time I hug the children I say a little prayer them. I pray that God will one day bless a forever family with these children as much as they have blessed me and all who meet them.