Monday, August 11, 2008

Home by Another Way

Last year, Rachael Daugherty -- international adoption counselor for China -- began a blog to chronicle her journey with four adoptive families from Buckner as they met their children for the first time in China and brought them back to the United States.

Rachael named her blog "Home by Another Way" after one of her favorite books, a book of sermons written by Georgia preacher Barbara Brown Taylor. The books' title sermon tells the story of the wise men leaving their gifts with baby Jesus and then going home by another way.

Adoption is a special picture of God's love for all of us. Just as these adopted children will be going home by another way, we all will eventually. As Christians, we've all been adopted into God's family and we'll all go home one day by another way.

As adoption caseworker Anyra Cano sends in updates on her trip to Ethiopia with one adoptive family, pray for God to bless their travels and bless the new family He has formed. And pray for all the children who live in Ethiopia and are hoping for a "forever family." Some of them have families waiting for them in the United States right now. Others still need a family. Pray that God will direct these childrens' paths and orchestrate everything according to His plan.

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